Horoscope | today | Sagittarius

Sagittarius Horoscope

Nov 22 - Dec 21

Feb 05, 2024's Horoscope

Get your message out. You're especially clever for the next three weeks. Complexities fascinate with Mercury in Aquarius. Communications and transport flow more easily.







today's Aspects

4:56 AM

Mercury enters Aquarius

For about three weeks, you're especially clever and analytical. Complexities fascinate, with Mercury in Aquarius. Communications and transport flow with ease... take advantage and get your message out.

12:27 PM

Mercury conjunct Pluto

Secrets are revealed. Venture farther out. The word gets out. Write down what you want to accomplish. Advance on honorable terms. Achieve a higher level of understanding.

February Horoscope

February 9th

The new moon tonight initiates two weeks of growing work, health and strength. Practice makes perfect. Energize your physical moves.

February 24th

Review priorities privately. Consider past and future. This eclipse illuminates the dawn of a six-month introspective phase. Process transitions.


Mercury is direct for another

Mars is direct for another

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